Is a research consultancy agent for processes of social transformation, social engeneering and design and academic support in the field of post structural, qualitative, discourse oriented research. It provides research based tools to perform processes of innovation and transformation in a holistic and thorough way. It provides an alternative, complementary podium for knowledge construction. It holds a holistic view on knowledge as you can read on the philosophy page. It considers different forms of knowledge construction such as participative structures. It promotes and facilitates research in spaces that often remain unseen or untouched, such as the deeper levels of values and believes that underly visible structures of practices such as education. Or the hidden sides of silence, intuition and wisdom within each of us. Or the dynamics between theory and practice, between structure and agency and between individuals who fail to reach a full understanding of the various perspectives each of them brings to the table. Seven Circles of Wisdom, therefore, is helpful for processes of intersubjectivity, in which different participants or stakeholders seek to agree on a particular perspective or problem.
WISDOM entails a holistic, integrated perspective on knowledge. Cognitive, rational knowledge, so dominant in our society, is just one -and a limited- part of the domain of human knowledge.
This page holds links to websites of groups and organizations around the world that share the mission and values ofSeven Circles of Wisdom and that contribute to a more sustainable, socially just and inclusive world.
On September 1, 2016, Seven Circles of Wisdom opens its online platform for teaching practice oriented research. Participants work on their own research concerns. They formulate their own research questions aimed at improving their own practice, resolving a problem or a dilemma. Seven Circles of Wisdom guides you to the research cycle of practice oriented research based on the Seven Circles of Wisdom research design. The course is meant for reflective practioners, politicians, community workers, people working in NGO's, education and other professional fields. Seven Circles of Wisdom supports research issues to do with social innovation.
The platform is also used to provide academic support for research and academic publishing in the fields of critical discourse analysis, discourse theory, post-structural research in the direction of social change or understanding current social issues at MBA and PhD levels.
For more information, please contact us and you will receive an answer within 24 hours.
Seven Circles of Wisdom, therefore, turns away from models and formulas. It supports processes of truth finding and knowledge construction, as well as co-creation across borders. It uses its visions and practices to support processes in the direction of a more just, more empathetic, more inclusive and more sustainable world.
Seven Circles of Wisdom includes an empathy page where like-minded organizations around the world are allowed to deposit a link to their web pages. The reason why they are included on this page will be made transparent. This is a free function, meant to provide groups who share the mission and values of Seven Circles of Wisdom with a podium. Groups that appear on this page are expected to share their knowledge, means and potential in order to enhance and empower each other.